· Sample of nurse practitioner’s entrance essay. In the report titled “ The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health ” the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in collaboration with Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) developed four key recommendations. One of the recommendations was that nurses should be empowered to practice to their · Nurse Practitioner Essay. Please describe your most meaningful achievements and how they relate to your future goals as a Nurse Practitioner: Rebekah Carey: My most meaningful achievement as an MSN-prepared Nurse Practitioner has been the development of a free health center on the near north side of Milwaukee. Within a collaborative, evidence-based framework, our · Example image Nurse Practitioner Personal Statement Growing up in a rural community helped develop my core beliefs of family, community, compassion, honesty, and loyalty. It also taught me that anything deserving requires hard work/5(13)
Nurse Practitioner Personal Statement - Free Essay Example | blogger.com
Nursing Family Nurse Practitioners: Improving Quality of Care A study published in helped to establish the meaningful difference between family nurse fnp essay examples and traditional health care providers such as doctors and nurses. Patients reported higher satisfaction with family nurse fnp essay examples than with traditional providers, revealing the need to integrate family nurse practitioners into the repertoire of care Linn, Because of research like this, the value of the nurse practitioner and the family nurse practitioner in particular has been highlighted in the scholarly literature as well as in anecdotal practice.
Part of the reason for the increased awareness of the role the family nurse practitioner fulfills is the improvements in overall quality of nursing care and delivery of services. This is because the nursing profession has become fully distinct from the medical profession in ways that are well articulated. As McDowell notes, "The values of nursing must not get lost in the dominant medical culture. Fnp essay examples they do, fnp essay examples, you justly risk the epithet of junior doctor.
Patients do not need junior doctors. They need the knowledge and skills of both medicine and nursing. I also understand that the family nurse practitioner serves a unique role in the medical care system, as an individual who develops long-term relationships with patients and who views patient success within the greater context of family and community. Family nurse practitioners develop cultural awareness and sensitivity, in addition to providing optimal delivery of care.
Personal Reasons My grandmother was a nurse, and my aunt is a nurse practitioner. Although neither were officially family nurse practitioners, both of my role models illustrated the ways nurses do take family issues into account when delivering care.
My grandmother worked as a nurse in the army. She provided care under stressful conditions, and frequently interacted with people from various cultural backgrounds and who spoke different languages than she did, fnp essay examples.
Treating soldiers outside of their family context proved challenging, but my grandmother made every effort to communicate with the patients about their lives fnp essay examples of combat. When the patients were able to provide family context, it was easier and more effective to provide care that was meaningful for that individual.
My grandmother practiced nursing in this way, long before she had heard of terms like " cultural competence. She has become familiar with phrases like "cultural competence" during her work, and is continually reflecting on the role of the nurse in the community.
As a Registered Nurse, fnp essay examples, my aunt has worked in a hospital that sees a lot of economically disenfranchised people in the community.
She has gone beyond the parameters of the profession to become involved in community organizations that provide outreach services for addicts and homeless people. In this way, my aunt has taught me about the need to understand context in health care. Whereas doctors only see the broken leg or cancerous lung, the nurse sees the whole person. The nurse takes into account family background, history of abusefnp essay examples, and other issues that might impact the patient's current situation and future ability to stay healthy.
Nurse as health promoter is the primary concept that I have worked with because of my personal interaction There are several reasons why being a family nurse practitioner is the way I want to contribute to the profession. For one, I strongly believe in fnp essay examples or eliminating disparity related to gender, raceor socio-economic class. As Gibson points out, nurse practitioners have "a greater responsibility in decreasing health disparities among minority patients.
By taking into account fnp essay examples issues that pertain to socio-economic class and social statusnurses can raise awareness about the ways these issues influence health status among individuals and whole communities. Likewise, family nurse practitioners are in a unique position of understanding the impact of gender on health issuesaccess to care, and health status.
Furthermore, Fnp essay examples want to work with the underprivileged like my aunt does, fnp essay examples. Knowing that I could contribute to underprivileged communities, it is my express intention as a family nurse practitioner, fnp essay examples. I want to devote my energy to the populations most in need. Second, I strongly believe that patients cannot be treated without taking their family backgrounds and current family situations into account.
Family systems influence one's lifestyle choices, which in turn impact health. Mental health as well as physical health depends on the family system. Third, I have a strong degree of emotional intelligence and cultural sensitivity that can best be applied to the family nurse practitioner setting.
The family nurse practitioner is trained in cultural competence and sensitivity as a matter of course University of California, San Francisco, Family nurse practitioners need to include family members in the decision-making process, enabling collaborative health care decisions that are more fnp essay examples for patients in the long run University of California, San Francisco, I believe that it is impossible to treat patients fully without understanding the person's life outside of medical care.
That life includes ties to the community, job, language, and a host of other factors related to care. Finally, a family nurse practitioner plays an active role in caring. The family nurse practitioner does not have a fragmented view of health care, but a holistic one. As the University of California, San Francisco points out, "In addition to conventional practice in an office, clinic, or ambulatory care center, the FNP may follow families in a variety of settings, such as schoolhomework place, or hospital.
Theoretical Viewpoints As a systems theorist, I view individuals as being parts of a community rather than being isolated entities. My theoretical viewpoint will influence my approach to health care and ensure that I can deliver the best quality of care for patients. By learning about the patient's family background, fnp essay examples, I can make recommendations for health promotion on an individualized basis.
Generalizing about the patient population is a faulty practice, especially in a diverse society. It fnp essay examples far more productive to acknowledge diversity and prepare for the future of medical care in the global community. I also appreciate that Gibson emphasizes the theory of cultural humility in the family nursing practice.
Conclusion Family nursing requires a great degree of patience and cultural sensitivity that cannot be fnp essay examples in a classroom. I believe that I already possess the emotional, psychological, and theoretical foundations that will make me fnp essay examples effective family nurse practitioner. Because of my personal and theoretical backgrounds, I can apply myself fully…. References Gibson, C. Infusing cultural humility into nurse practitioner curriculum, fnp essay examples.
NONPF 39th Annual Meeting. html Fnp essay examples, L. Patient acceptance of the family nurse practitioner.
Medical Care 14 4 : McDowell, H. Family nurse practitioner. International Nursing Review 31 6 : Nyirati, fnp essay examples, C. Where is family in the family nurse practitioner program?
Journal of Family Nursing 18 3 : Family Nurse Practioner Family Nurse Practitioner FNP in family surburban clinic The paper provides information on an advanced nursing role Family Nurse Practitioner, fnp essay examples. It consists of the requirements of the nursing role in terms of certification, education qualifications, and fnp essay examples the persons responsible for certifying nurses for this role. The paper discusses the job duties associated with the practice.
It fnp essay examples the understanding of collaborative associations that promote success of the nursing. Family Nursing Practitioner Application Justification The quest to become a nurse, that was finally realized when I became a registered nurse, fnp essay examples, was prompted by the need to work among the very underprivileged of the community in the poorest areas and vulnerable conditions.
Having been a RN, there are vast experiences that I have undergone, not only in the technical aspect of learning the prognosis and prescription but also further experiencing first.
Family Nurse Practitioner Program Define Advanced Nurse Practitioner Arizona Nurse practitioners are able to assume many of the medical responsibilities once relegated to doctors. The profession arose as a way to provide more personalized and cost-effective care than was possible using physicians alone.
Advanced Nurse Practitioners APNs are able to obtain intake patient's health histories and perform complete physical examinations. They can diagnose many medical conditions, order and interpret medical tests. Family Nurse Practitioner: Role and Setting In fnp essay examples discussion, I will focus on the Family Nurse Practitioner role.
In an attempt to research and find out more about this role, I will source for information from three different materials -- two research articles and an opinion article, fnp essay examples. In brief, it is important to note, from the onset, that the role a Family Nurse Practitioner -- FNP plays in meeting the health.
Licensing As a family nurse practitioner, I would expect work in a type of organization such as fnp essay examples doctor's office. There are several factors that have led me to consider this highly distinct possibility, not the least of which is the increasing trend for family nurse practitioners to provide primary care to patients, fnp essay examples.
The provisioning of fnp essay examples care, of course, is usually conducted under the auspices of a formally trained physician. adult life, I have been immersed in the healthcare professions. Working in several different sectors of healthcare has afforded me the opportunity to understand different models of patient care, different administrative systems and organizational cultures, and also different philosophies and theories of nursing.
After many years of working in the emergency care sector including work as an emergency room paramedic and ambulance worker for ten years, I transitioned to.
Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Download this Essay in word format. Excerpt from Essay : Nursing Family Nurse Practitioners: Improving Quality of Care A study published in helped to establish the meaningful difference between family nurse practitioners and traditional health care providers such as doctors and nurses.
Read Full Essay. Family Nurse Practitioner Fnp in Family Suburban Clinic Words: Length: 10 Pages Topic: Health - Nursing Paper : Family Nursing Practitioner Application Justification the Quest Words: Length: 2 Pages Topic: Health - Nursing Paper : Family Nurse Practitioner Program Define Advanced Nurse Words: Length: 2 Pages Topic: Health - Nursing Paper : Role and Setting: Family Nurse Practitioner Words: Length: 2 Pages Topic: Health - Nursing Paper : Licensing As a Family Nurse Practitioner, I Words: Length: 3 Pages Topic: Health - Nursing Paper : Admissions Essay for Family Nurse Practitioner Words: Length: 3 Pages Topic: Nursing Paper :
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· Nurse Practitioner Essay. Please describe your most meaningful achievements and how they relate to your future goals as a Nurse Practitioner: Rebekah Carey: My most meaningful achievement as an MSN-prepared Nurse Practitioner has been the development of a free health center on the near north side of Milwaukee. Within a collaborative, evidence-based framework, our mission & vision Essay Words | 5 Pages Vision and Personal Goals I have been a nurse in the acute care setting for over 9 years and due to the changes in health care I have decided to pursue my professional goal in the part of a Family nurse practitioner; which · The career is becoming a worldwide primary care provider. Traits that are important in a nursing career include communication skills, critical thinking skills, compassion, and resourcefulness (“Duties: Nurse Practitioner”). Research shows that a nurse’s compassion can help diminish a patient’s suffering. Being able to provide that
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