· This short and simple essay, paragraph, speech or presentation, and article are all about our daily schedule or daily routine. How to describe or explain our daily schedule or daily routine is sometimes very difficult especially for school students and also youngsters are also finding it hard to present their daily routine when it comes to presentation · 4. It also develops self-discipline and helps us to get organized in life. 5. Practicing daily habits also keeps us focused on things that hold a priority in our life. 6. An organized daily routine helps us to maintain our personal and professional life. 7. The certainty of our daily routine helps us to manage the uncertainty that life throws up. 8 Here is your short paragraph on my daily routine: Each of us has a daily routine that we all follow. Similarly I also have a daily routine that I follow. It is simple and very effective and also makes me a very active child. Since there is a routine, it is easy and I am more systematic. This saves a lot of time also and thereby increases our productivity and keeps us healthy
My Daily Life Essay| Essay And Paragraph
Activities in the morning: Daily life means a routined life. So I try my best to follow my daily routine. It is my habit to get up early in the morning. I brush my teeth, my daily life short paragraph, wash my hands, face and take my ablution and say my Fazar prayer. Then I go out for a walk in the open air for about half an hour and come back home again.
Once again I wash my hands, feet and face. After that I take my breakfast and sit at my reading table.
I read for three hours at stretch. Nobody is allowed to enter my room during this my daily life short paragraph. I make my lessons attentively. Activities in the college : After finishing my regular lessons, I take my bath and meal.
Then I start for my college at 10 a, my daily life short paragraph. because our college sits at a. I always sit in the first bench and listen to what my teachers say. I take down the important notes. In the off period I do not move here and there. Rather I go to the common room and refresh myself by taking part in indoor and outdoor games.
At tiffin period I take my tiffin and say my Zohor prayer. In the afternoon: Our college breaks up at 4 p. Then I come back to my home straight. I do not spend time with bad boys on the way.
Returning home, I wash my face, teeth, hands and feet very well and have my meal. I say my Asar prayer. After taking a little rest, I go to the play ground. I play football or other outdoor games with my class mates. Before the sun set I return to my home. In the evening: Returning home, I take my ablution and say my Magrib prayer. Then I sat at my reading table and prepare my lessons till 10 p.
After that I say my Esha prayer. I take my supper. Normally I go to bed at 11 p. Besides this I read the daily newspapers and weeklies. I enjoy television. I maintain my dairy. This is my daily routine. But there are minor changes. On Friday I go to different places to remove the monotony. So during long vacation and holidays I go to the house of my relatives. I also take part in social work. Conclusion: A routined life is a must for everybody to reach the goal of life.
Without following a routined life none can hope to march in life. So everyone should have a daily life and follow it strictly. Your email address will not be published.
My daily life short paragraph my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My Daily Life Essay:. Zahid husain sheikh October 11, Reply. Tarandeep November 1, Reply. KOEMHAI February 14, Reply. Add a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Theme by Mythemeshop, my daily life short paragraph. Privacy Policy Contact Us.
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· This short and simple essay, paragraph, speech or presentation, and article are all about our daily schedule or daily routine. How to describe or explain our daily schedule or daily routine is sometimes very difficult especially for school students and also youngsters are also finding it hard to present their daily routine when it comes to presentation Answer: my daily life means the routine of my daily activities. I always show more content I have a well-designed time table to follow. I got up early in the morning and say my fazar prayer. Then I go out for a walk in the open air and walk for half an hour. Then I come back home and have my breakfast. Next I go to my reading room and put on my school dress · My daily life is very simple. I get up early in the morning. I wash my hands and face. Then I go ot for a walk. I walk for half an hour. The morning walk refreshes me. I come back and take my breakfast. I eat an egg and drink a cup of tea. Then I sit down to prepare my homework. I read for two hours. After finishing my study, I was myself and take my food
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