Contact the Editor-in-Chief and provide: (i) the title of the review paper; (ii) a detailed reason why, in the light of the state of the art, the review is needed; (iii) a brief description of the contents of the paper including, chapter titles. The Editor-in-Chief will evaluate the proposal and contact the authors with a decision on the matter From paper submission, review process, resubmission and acceptance etc., all the information will be mailed to the email of the corresponding author. Generally the senior author in the study is My supervisor wants me to identify potential journals to publish my review article, however, there is so many options that I am finding it hard to narrow it down. Most of the online guidelines
How to Write an Article Review: Full Guide with Examples | EssayPro
Publishing an article in an academic journal can be a frustrating process that demands a substantial commitment of time and hard work, how to write and publish a review article. Nevertheless, establishing a record of publication is essential if you intend to pursue a how to write and publish a review article as an academic or scientific researcher. These five suggestions will help you turn the odds in your favor and make the publishing process less daunting.
It may be tempting to submit your article to one of the top journals in your field: after all, these are the journals that you and your peers are most how to write and publish a review article with and the ones that you will see referenced over-and-over again in the literature you consume.
But remember, the top professional journals are exceedingly competitive. The types of academic projects that get published in such journals are generally groundbreaking studies of great significance, many of which rely on the scholarship of multiple authors. Moreover, these articles are often the result of considerable research budgets and institutional support. Not to mention the decades of experience and the publication records of the authors. Those who are still completing degrees should consider submitting an article to a student oriented journal such as Student Pulse the Council on Undergraduate Research also publishes a good list of student oriented publications.
Student journals are a good place to begin your publication record while at the same time improving your understanding of the publication process and receiving feedback on your ideas. When choosing a journal, you want to keep in mind two factors: review times and policies on multiple submissions. You should expect most reviews to take several months at a minimum. Meanwhile, most journals do not accept an article for review that is simultaneously being reviewed by another journal.
No journal how to write and publish a review article going to take interest in your work if it does not present new or novel ideas. To get your work publishedyou need to say something new without saying something that calls your credibility into question.
By using existing work as a starting point the shoulders of giantswe can push the envelope just a little further and discover new things. New authors commonly err in this area. For a good article, how to write and publish a review article, this is only the starting point: the real work comes when you use the existing literature to establish new questions and then attempt to answer them this is where you get to say something new.
To be attractive to an academic publisher, your work needs to strike a balance between saying something new and at the same time remaining grounded in the existing pool of knowledge. You need to have a serious editing and revision process if you intend to publish your work, how to write and publish a review article, one that goes beyond the quick skim you might give a paper before passing it in for a class. Start by doing something very old fashioned: fire up the printer and grab a pen.
When you edit your own work, you need to give yourself plenty of time between how to write and publish a review article you actually do your writing and when you do your editing. There are a two things you can look for in your editing process that, when addressed, will markedly improve the quality of your paper:. Write in short, concise sentences. If your writing is littered with commas, semi-colons, and dashes, go back and simplify.
While there are some situations where use of the passive voice is OK, in the vast majority of cases you will improve the clarity of your writing by using the active voice. Overall, your editing process should make up a significant portion of the work you do until you reach a final version of your paper. If you approach this process with a critical eye, you will end up cutting out superfluous passages and elaborating on important details.
The result will be a much stronger paper. References are your source of credibility in an academic paper.
It goes without saying that if you want your work to be seriously considered by any publisher, you need to rely almost exclusively on academic references forget Wikipedia and other stand-alone websites. But that is only the beginning of your task, how to write and publish a review article, and if you choose your references strategically, you will greatly improve your chances of being perceived as a credible source yourself. How can you pick the right references?
Pay attention to these details:. Your references need to follow some sort of strategy, both to build your argument effectively and to establish your credibility, how to write and publish a review article. Reviewing an article is a lot of work.
You need to follow their guidelines carefully, including their requirements for citation formatting. Tip: start using a program like EndNote to keep your references in order and make it easy to change your citation style.
For example, if you make overly strong statements e. On the other hand, if you formulate your argument in a nuanced way you will make it much harder for a reviewer to poke obvious holes in your work.
In the social sciences and humanities where causal statements are extremely difficult to prove, how to write and publish a review article, look instead for language that can be less readily disagreed with:. In the second version of the statement the author displays nuance and balance while avoiding a black-and-white statement that would be easy to find fault with. If you focus on a balanced approach throughout your paper, it will be more difficult for a reviewer to brush your how to write and publish a review article off from the start.
Tags: academia tipsacademic careersacademic publishinggetting published. This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 10th, at pm and is filed under Mastering AcademiaSurviving Grad School. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2. Introducing the world's future thought leaders. Inquiries Journal is an open-access, how to write and publish a review article, multidisciplinary student journal focused on presenting student scholarship in the social sciences, arts, and humanities.
Disclaimer: content on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical or other professional advice. Moreover, the views expressed here do not necessarily represent the views of Inquiries Journal or Student Pulse, its owners, staff, contributors, or affiliates. Home Current Issue Blog Archives About The Journal Submissions Terms of Use :: Privacy Policy :: Contact. Forgot password?
Reset your password ». Current Issue Blog About Submissions Login. Sciences Environmental Studies Health Science Biology Neuroscience Computer Science.
From the INQUIRIES Journal Blog. There are a two things you can look for in your editing process that, when addressed, will markedly improve the quality of your paper: Fix Confusing Passages: When it comes to your writing style, simpler is better. Avoid the Passive Voice: If you are unfamiliar with the passive voice, start by reading a basic overview.
Particularly in non-scientific writing, overuse of the passive voice can lead to writing that is unnecessarily verbose, indirect, and lacking in specificity. If you address your use of the passive voice, you are likely to improve your writing in two ways: first, eliminating the passive voice will simplify your writing see above ; and second, changing passive constructions to active constructions may force you to be more specific or to add additional details.
Pay attention to these details: Go to the original source: the most important studies will be cited by hundreds or thousands of other scholars. You may in fact learn about the most important studies by way of the references of other scholars.
But if you want to use one of these field-defining studies to situate your argument, pull up the original work and cite the original author instead of the secondary source where you encountered the work. Reference articles that are widely cited: you can gain a faster understanding of the state of a particular discipline by reading widely cited articles first. Use a tool such as Thomson-Reuters Web of Science to search for articles and sort them by the number of citations.
This is a quick way to discover the most important articles according to the academic community on a particular topic. Referencing these articles within your own work will show reviewers that you have a good understanding of the field. They may have authored articles in this particular journal themselves, or they might have provided editorial oversight on articles recently published in the journal. In any case, there is a good chance that they will be familiar with any article you reference from the journal.
If they publish your article, your article will also count as another citation for their journal, which is a good thing. More from the Inquiries Journal Blog. Follow IJ. FEATURED NOW IN Inquiries Journal. Psychology » Behavioral Psychology. Gender Theory vs. Anthropology » Ethnography. Ethnography, Folklore, Afanasev, and Russian Self-Identity. Literature » Gothic Literature. Revenant Narratives and the Representation of Demonic Lovers Political Science » Political Theory.
The Growing Popularity of the Radical Right. All rights reserved. ISSN: Need an Account? Before you can login, you need to create an account. It takes just a minute! From the INQUIRIES Journal Blog 5 Tips for Publishing Your First Academic Article Publishing an article in an academic journal can be a frustrating process that demands a substantial commitment of time and hard work.
Target an Appropriate Journal It may be tempting to submit your article to one of the top journals in your field: after all, these are the journals that you and your peers are most familiar with and the ones that you will see referenced over-and-over again in the literature you consume.
Say Something New No journal is going to take interest in your work if it does not present new or novel ideas. Edit Your Work Extensively You need to have a serious editing and revision process if you intend to publish your work, one that goes beyond the quick skim you might give a paper before passing it in for a class. Reference Strategically References are your source of credibility in an academic paper. Tags: academia tipsacademic careersacademic publishinggetting published This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 10th, at pm and is filed under Mastering AcademiaSurviving Grad School.
Pragmatism Anthropology » Ethnography Ethnography, Folklore, Afanasev, and Russian Self-Identity Literature » Gothic Literature Revenant Narratives and the Representation of Demonic Lovers Political Science » Political Theory The Growing Popularity of the Radical Right.
How to write a review paper? Learn from the Scratch. Know about benefits of a review.
, time: 6:46Guidance for Review Papers - News - Elsevier
Contact the Editor-in-Chief and provide: (i) the title of the review paper; (ii) a detailed reason why, in the light of the state of the art, the review is needed; (iii) a brief description of the contents of the paper including, chapter titles. The Editor-in-Chief will evaluate the proposal and contact the authors with a decision on the matter · Referencing these articles within your own work will show reviewers that you have a good understanding of the field. Cite articles from the journal to which you are submitting: the reviewers who consider your work are likely regular readers of the journal they’re reviewing for (and that you’re targeting for publication). They may have authored articles in this particular journal themselves, or they might have provided editorial oversight on articles recently published My supervisor wants me to identify potential journals to publish my review article, however, there is so many options that I am finding it hard to narrow it down. Most of the online guidelines
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