Monday, April 26, 2021

Defining the self essay

Defining the self essay

defining the self essay

Essay on the ‘Self’. Article shared by: ADVERTISEMENTS: The ‘self may be viewed from two angles: the self as subject and the self as object. The nature of the self, as seen by oneself from inside, is something which transcends all scientific investigations. It is a mystery which language fails to blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins This paper will define the self, the concept of the self, the functions of the self, the core motives of the self, and how the core motives of the self relates to survival. We will write a custom essay on Defining the Concept of Self specifically for you for only $ $/page The Self Essay The Divided Self. In addition, this totality of interpretations through the lens selves as being what is around you, it The Social Scientist Phrase, Presentation Of Self, And Self. Identity to me is similar to the social scientist phrase Social Scientist Phrase, Presentation Of

Essay on the 'Self'

The nature of the defining the self essay, as seen by oneself from inside, is something which transcends all scientific investigations. It is a mystery which language fails to describe. Every person has a consciousness of self, such consciousness finds expression in the use of the pronoun this is the defining the self essay self.

By this he means that the self can be both subject and object to itself. We make self an object and when we do so the subjective self disappears. In sociology we are concerned with the objective self. The objective self, therefore, becomes an object of inquiry. Where does this self arise? Are we born with it? Is it something the individual brings with him as he confronts society?

Or, is it something that he receives from society as a gift of the confrontation? In seeking an answer to these questions, we may explore the theories developed by Charles Horton Cooley, George Herbert Mead and Sigmund Freud. Though these three eminent scholars differ among themselves, yet all of them, defining the self essay, having pursued the subject on the lines of their specialisation, come to the conclusion that the self is social and that self-consciousness arises only in and through interaction with others.

One of the earliest scholars to tackle this problem was C. In other words, self-consciousness can arise only in society and it is inseparable from social consciousness. The self, in short, defining the self essay, is social, defining the self essay. Thus, I am not what I think I am and I am not what you think I am.

It follows, therefore, that we make a conscious attempt to show a different self in the presence of different social groups. Having made such a step-by-step analysis, Cooley concludes that the self is social and that it is not possible to develop self-consciousness in the absence of society. Meadthe philosopher and psychologist, agreed wholeheartedly with Cooley that it is absurd to look at the self or the mind from the viewpoint of an individual organism. Although it may have its focus in the organism, it is undoubtedly a social product and a social phenomenon.

The self arises in interaction with the social and non-social environment. The social environment is particularly important. The following example may be cited. The baby cries and mother defining the self essay by giving milk or something good. If the mother continues to respond with care and love, the baby will eventually learn to distinguish between the state of affairs when the mother is present and the state of affairs when the mother is absent.

Primitive symbolic communication will be established. Here we have the beginning of the consciousness of self. The child, putting himself in the place of another, not only forms a concept of himself but also evaluates that concept and invests it with feeling and warmth. Just as the child learns to develop an attitude towards objects in the environment, so he learns to take the same attitude toward himself that others take toward him.

When the mother tells the child that he has done something good or bad, defining the self essay, she is not only trying to teach the child what the words mean. She treats the child as an object toward which she takes a certain attitude and tries to get the child to do the same.

He is encouraged to take himself as an object. He evaluates and controls himself the same way he evaluates and controls other object and he does so from the standpoint of someone else.

In short, the child is taught to make appropriate responses to his own behaviour as well as to other objects in his environment. He called the acting self the T. He knows how the community reacts to this, proposal. He reacts to this expression of the community in his own experience—he feels with it.

He has a set of organised attitudes which are those of the community. He himself changes, of course, defining the self essay, in so far as he brings this project forward and makes it a political issue.

There has now arisen a new social situation as a result of the project which he is presenting. The whole procedure takes place in his own experience as well as in the general experience of the community.

The id represents our appetites, those inborn drives that prompt us to act, the impulse to do what we want to do. We are not, however, permitted to do what we want to do. Defining the self essay social beings, we are obliged to adjust our desires and impulses, so that no social disharmony takes place.

The second mechanism of the mind, the ego, helps us to do this. It mediates between the natural impulses of the id and the demands of the society in which we live. The ego thus acts as the manager of the self and facilitates the adjustment of the individual to society.

Apart from social restraint, there is another restraint upon the unfettered play of the impulses. This is the moral restraint. The third mechanism of the mind, the super-ego tells us what is morally right and what defining the self essay morally wrong. It tells us what ought to be done and what ought to be avoided. The super-ego imposes the moral imperatives of society. If we take the three components of mind together, it appears that the id and the super­ego stand in two opposite poles.

Complications may develop as a result of such opposition, defining the self essay. It is understandable that all our impulses cannot be satisfied in the social context. At the same time, all our impulses cannot be restrained either without doing harm to emotional stability of the individual. We have considered the views of three scholars who belong to three distinct disciplines. EssaySociologySocialisationSelfEssay on the Self. Related Articles: Language and its Importance to Society Essay Essay defining the self essay Kinship India Sociology Essay on Unemployment in India: Causes, Consequences and Remedies Essay on Untouchability: Meaning, Evil Effects and Suggestions for Its Removal, defining the self essay.

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My self essay in English - Short Essay

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defining the self essay

Essay on the ‘Self’. Article shared by: ADVERTISEMENTS: The ‘self may be viewed from two angles: the self as subject and the self as object. The nature of the self, as seen by oneself from inside, is something which transcends all scientific investigations. It is a mystery which language fails to blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins This paper will define the self, the concept of the self, the functions of the self, the core motives of the self, and how the core motives of the self relates to survival. We will write a custom essay on Defining the Concept of Self specifically for you for only $ $/page The Self Essay The Divided Self. In addition, this totality of interpretations through the lens selves as being what is around you, it The Social Scientist Phrase, Presentation Of Self, And Self. Identity to me is similar to the social scientist phrase Social Scientist Phrase, Presentation Of

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