Monday, April 26, 2021

After school activities essay

After school activities essay

after school activities essay

 · Tip #2: Use active verbs to give a clear sense of what you’ve done. Check out the active verbs in the essay above: writing, delivering, editing, researching, re-writing, brainstorming, catching, polishing, leading, holding, knowing. Tip #3: Consider telling us in one good clear sentence what the activity meant to blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins after school activities essay - Free download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read online for free Advantages of After School Activities The advantages extracurricular activites has on Elementary Students. The Advantages Extracurricular Activities has on The Importance Of Class And Race. The hypothesis for this paper is that class and race does play a role in how children Persuasive Essay

After School Activities Essay | Juvenile Delinquency | Adolescence

In an attempt to help such parents, especially the single parents, America is amongst the few countries that have instituted various after-school programs as a solution to the problems encountered by after school activities essay school kids, as well as the advanced level students after leaving schools. These programs are either school or community-based.

On a broader perspective, the after-school programs have gone an extra mile to include, not only the kids in the elementary levels but also students in advanced levels, otherwise referred to as the elderly.

For these students, the programs take the form of employment. Under such programs, students can attend part-time jobs after school, thereby earning income that helps them to cater for part of their bills. However, after school activities essay, there is a need to come up with a working solution for students or kids who have no after-school programs.

One such solution is the referral programs to help collage students find work on or near campus. As this paper unveils, after-school programs formulated for the elemental kids and college students amicably helps in solving the various problems facing both parents and college students.

College students who work while still attending to the studies have an impeccable opportunity to enhance their career coupled with educational experience. This is crucial since they secure an opportunity to practice on what the society expects of them in the future: collaborate with professionals from all fields relevant to a company that employs them. Students perhaps also face immense problems when it comes to financing.

To resolve such problems, the government provides financial grants. In case students take up part-time jobs, they can obtain extra financial resources with the repercussion of reduction of allocations of educational financing by the governments.

Since most of the jobs available to students outside the campus are more often than not community based, after school activities essay, the students normally obtain an opportunity to experience in first hand some fundamental skills that promote their involvements with the community in the future. Students who take referral have better time management skills than those who do not. This is widely so since they must balance their studies in college and yet meet their job responsibilities as anticipated.

In campus, part-time job aids in resolving the persisting problems of misunderstandings between faculty staff and students.

Enhancement of the relationship between the staff and students is essential for the sake of ensuring the collaborations of the students and the staff towards enhancing the academic performance of students. One of the opportunities is to allow students to give a hand in the research projects.

The students who help in research projects acquire additional experience that helps them to handle their postgraduate tasks without much trouble. Jobs are available in most colleges in many departments. These jobs lie under federal work-study program FWS. However, for students to secure these part-time jobs, they must provide evidence for financial needs.

For students who might find opportunities to work in more than one department have the advantage of acquiring multi-professionalism skills. Arguably, the students would be at a better position to understand the various challenges of each career and hence would be able to judge the work force that they might be managing in the future.

People who are not multi-skilled ends up expecting so much from a given employee, something that he after school activities essay he cannot be able to deliver. Referral programs consequently may serve to diminish these challenges among future managers since it gives students that opportunity to work for different departments and or communities before finally settling on their respective careers in the future. Both the school-based and the community-based after-school programs are instituted to solve problems afflicting students.

However, no one factor can singly be identified as subtle to such problems gaps. The problems result from a complex interaction of factors such as family, societal circumstances, individual factors, and neighborhood factors Cooper Consequently, after-school programs are designed with the need of establishing a compromise between the likely causes of the problems in mind.

The programs not only focus on educational matters but also on increasing the social interactivity skills of the children, as well as their participation in extracurricular activities. Birmingham et al. conducted a study to evaluate and determine common characteristics possessed by after-school programs that were regarded as highly successful funded by the after school corporation TASC.

Even though the elementally level after-school programs demands parents to pay the extra amount of money to sustain the school and community-based programs, the result in terms of enhanced children performance in extracurricular and curricular activities is significant.

More pertinent to note is that the employment oriented after-school programs available to college students yields similar results. Enrollment to after-school programs after school activities essay a student many opportunities to have exposures to a wide array of new experiences. According to Birmingham et al. These skills are acquired through storytelling, reading, and or writing activities. In the case of incorporation of arts in the after-school programs, kids are able to increase their mastery skills.

In this context, after-school programs help students to increase their society integration skills. Another essential product of the after-school programs is perhaps well explained in terms of the problems associated with the likelihood of students to indulge in criminal activities. As a solution to indulgence in criminal activities, after-school programs increase the time that students spend with people who can mentor them positively, after school activities essay, nurturing their skills.

Arguably, the more they after school activities essay their time in school and or in the community based after-school programs, the more the chance of establishing relationships with criminal groups dwindle. Because of the increased financial need to sustain their families, parents find themselves working longer hours after school activities essay hence compromising on the time they could spend nurturing their children positively fortunately after-school programs come in after school activities essay take up this role.

Therefore, based on the expositions made in the paper, it suffices to declare the after-school program a working solution to the many problems that students and elementary school kids face after school.

Ample gaps exist after school activities essay the elemental children and college students who undertake after-school programs and those who do not. As the paper argues, after-school programs are in place to improve the performance of pupils and students academically.

However, after school activities essay, the approach used is rather indirect in that the process of achieving these goals calls for consideration of other areas of focus.

These areas include the provision of employment opportunities to students both in and out after school activities essay campus, participation in extracurricular activities, among others. Nevertheless, the activities that dominate the after-school programs end up fostering the improvement of school performance among pupils and students. Birmingham, Jennifer, Pechman, Ellen, Russell, Christina, and Mielke, Monica.

Shared Features Of High Performing After Scholl Programs: A Follow-Up To The TASC Evaluation. New Yolk: US Department Of Education, Cooper, Honston. Relationships between five afterschool Activities and academic achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology Posner, Johnston, and Vandell, Douglas. After-school activities and the development of low-income urban children: A longitudinal study.

Developmental Psychology Quane, Mathews, and Rankin, Botman. Social contexts and urban adolescent outcomes: The interrelated effects of neighborhoods, families and peers on African-American youth.

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The Importance of After School Activities

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After School Activities Essay - Words

after school activities essay

Essay on Life after School (Essay 5 – Words) Introduction: Life after school isn’t always easy and without stress. Once we leave school, things and situations around us begin to change in a very drastic way; life itself changes drastically for us. After leaving school we have a Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins Advantages of After School Activities The advantages extracurricular activites has on Elementary Students. The Advantages Extracurricular Activities has on The Importance Of Class And Race. The hypothesis for this paper is that class and race does play a role in how children Persuasive Essay after school activities essay - Free download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read online for free

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